Indoor Soccer
The registration fee is $50 per team per season.
Rego can be paid in the following account :
Bank details for team registration payment ($50) : Brandpulse Pty Ltd , 085-005 A/C 567863499 Ref: team name
Game Fees
Game fees for Open men, Ladies and Mixed competitions are $11.00 per player for the first game & $9 for the second game, and Juniors are $9.00 per player.
The Game
As in the outdoor game, the object is to score goals. One big difference is the use of the walls/nets – instead of the ball going out, it stays alive and can be played on. This makes for a very fast, fluent game with no time wasted.
Adelaide Indoor Soccer Centre has the most number of teams playing in any center with arguably the strongest indoor soccer competition played in Adelaide.
We offer a unique indoor soccer facility with 2 states of the art 32m x 17m courts and are the biggest rebound “off the wall” indoor soccer courts found in Adelaide.
All competitions are 5-a-side competitions and require a minimum of 5 players although due to the blood rule, 6-7 players are recommended.
For more info visit our rules page.
Open Mens Leagues are played Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings from 6 pm to 10:30 pm
The Mixed League is played Thursday evenings from 6 pm to 10.30 pm.
Please note: the mixed soccer league rules are modified – see our rules page for more detail.
Junior Leagues are available Saturdays 8 am to 4pm.
New Soccer leagues are now starting for:
Mens – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Competitions
Mixed – Thursday Competitions, Winter season starts last week of Feb and Summer season starts 1st week of Sept
Juniors – Saturdays (8am-4pm) – Starts Mid September each year for 20 weeks.
Sign up your team now!
Rego can be paid in the following account :
Bank details for team registration payment ($50) : Brandpulse Pty Ltd , 085-005 A/C 567863499 Ref: team name
Or contact us for further details.
Experience the intensity of soccer, indoors!